Cutiebunny's Coven
Original Artwork - Manga & Other

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Original artwork is one of my more favorite items to collect. Unlike cels, these original items are still very plentiful and, if properly cared for, do not easily deteriorate. But, similar to cels, original items can cost just as much.

The majority of what I collect are shikishi, or square-shaped cardboard boards designed especially for signatures and artwork. There are also a few New Year's Postcards, or nengajo, as they are known in Japan.

Many of the items featured here were obtained at conventions. Although there's no way for me to name all those who have helped me obtain these sketches throughout the years, I am very grateful to everyone who has helped me along the way.


 Kazue Kato

 Mizuho Kusanagi

 Aya Shouoto

 Aya Shouoto

 Bisco Hatori

 Arina Tanemura

 Yasuhiro Nightow

 Mine Yoshizaki

 Kaoru Mori

 Takeshi Nogami

 Higuchi Tachibana


 Satoshi Shiki

 Rei Toma

 Koge Donbo

 Kaworu Watashiya

 Kaworu Watashiya
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Curator: Cutiebunny
Gallery Created: 6/13/2005
Hits: 131337

Presentation 8.71/10   Collection 9.21/10   Overall 8.86/10   Votes 45 votes
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