Cutiebunny's Coven
Sailor Moon - Bank Cels

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Bank cels, or cels that are frequently used throughout a series, are some of the most sought after of all Sailormoon cels. While most sequences had upwards of 170 different sheets, the primo cels in each sequence can command prices ranging from $500-$2000. A very expensive prospect indeed.

While I enjoy the animation and coloring used for several bank sequences, it's not my main focus. However, please feel free to sample the small collection that I have.

 Jupiter Power

 Moon Crystal Power

 Moon Princess Halation

 Mercury Star Power

 Shine Aqua Illusion

 Shine Aqua Illusion

 Shine Aqua Illusion

 Shine Aqua Illusion

 Mars Star Power

 Burning Mandala

 Burning Mandala

 Burning Mandala
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Curator: Cutiebunny
Gallery Created: 6/13/2005
Hits: 131337

Presentation 8.71/10   Collection 9.21/10   Overall 8.86/10   Votes 45 votes
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