Episode 40
Source: TV
Layers: 1
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Cel Number: cut 164
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No Background
Added 12/31/2014
Updated 11/8/2015
Meilin, standing in front of Tokyo Tower and seeing how tall it is for the first time, turns to Sakura and asks her if she's ever been here before. Sakura tells Meilin that she hasn't and that this is her first time as well. However, Sakura has been here in her dreams, something she almost lets slip in front of Meilin. I remember when the background of Tokyo Tower came up from this particular episode and how it ended for around $150. I would have loved to have bought it but I just couldn't justify that amount on a background at that time. From Episode 40 - Sakura to Yume no Naka no Sakura (Sakura and the Sakura from the Dream).
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