Cutiebunny's Coven
Original Artwork - Autographs

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Keiko Han
Source: TV
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Added 4/13/2014
Updated 4/26/2015
Cel signed by Keiko Han ( 潘 恵子 ). Han has voiced many beloved anime characters including Luna from
Sailor Moon and Lalah fromMobile Suit Gundam

Han was a special guest at Animazement 2013. Han is a very friendly woman who really enjoys her work.

This cel has a bit of a story. I originally bought this cel off Mandarake a couple months before Animazement to donate for their charity auction. I attended the auction to try to win back the cel and was saddened to see that it was not mentions. When I asked the con heads where all the items I donated had gone, they told me they would auction it online later in the year. When this was listed online, I made sure to win the cel.

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Curator: Cutiebunny
Gallery Created: 6/13/2005
Hits: 131337

Presentation 8.71/10   Collection 9.21/10   Overall 8.86/10   Votes 45 votes
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