Cutiebunny's Coven
Original Artwork - Fujimaru

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Yayoi Ooba
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Added 1/7/2013
Updated 8/17/2014
Shikishi sketch featuring Yayoi Ooba from DearDrops and Dear Drops Distortion, drawn and signed by Fujimaru ( 藤丸 ) .

Although Fujimaru did not attend AX 2012, Shinji Katakura brought along several shikishi of the Dear Drops characters that Fujimaru drew for AX attendees. I managed to pick up three of the four characters. Fujimaru apparently drew lots of Yayoi sketches as her voice actress, Tomoe Tamiyasu, was attending the convention as a guest of MangaGamer.

Please check out < a href="">Tamiyasu's autograph before you depart.

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Curator: Cutiebunny
Gallery Created: 6/13/2005
Hits: 131337

Presentation 8.71/10   Collection 9.21/10   Overall 8.86/10   Votes 45 votes
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