Cutiebunny's Coven
Original Artwork - Autographs

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Aiko Kawasaki
Source: TV
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Added 8/20/2011
Trading card signed by Starlights - Ryuusei Densetsu actress, Aiko Kawasaki ( かわさき愛子 ).

This card was released in Japan in the summer of 2003 to celebrate the success of one of the last Seramyu musicals, "Starlights - Legend of the Shooting Stars". These cards were only on the market for a brief time, and were quite hard to obtain. I purchased all my signed cards around 2003 when, out of desperation for 'new' Sailor Moon cards, I picked up anything on Yahoo Japan that I could find.

Kawasaki was the seventh actress to play as Sailor Mars. This musical marked her final Seramyu performance.

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Curator: Cutiebunny
Gallery Created: 6/13/2005
Hits: 131337

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