Episode 200
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: B14
Standard size
Key Cel
End Cel
Original Unmatching Background
Added 6/18/2005
Updated 4/22/2017
"I believe in the piece of hope that is in your heart." Although being pummeled with negative energy, Angel Serenity tells Galaxia that she believes in piece of Galaxia's spirit that still remains locked within her. What I love about this cel and the final sequences of Usagi in her 'Angel Serenity' form is that this is the final stage of Usagi's character development. In the first episode, we are introduced to a lazy, incompetent crybaby who, other than her looks, doesn't have much going for her. However, it is this episode where Usagi's maturity as a Sailor Soldier is evident. The friendships that she has made over the years has caused a radical change in her personality. Borrowing on Buddhist philosophy, Usagi has reached enlightenment. She no longer depends on her seasonal weapons to save the day because her pure heart radiates its healing light upon all. Incidentally, after watching this sequence, the background that this cel is stuck to is an exact match for this cel of Angel Usagi. From Episode 200 - "Usagi no Ai! Gekkou Ginga wo Terasu" (Usagi's Love! The Moon Light Illuminates the Galaxy).
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